Eye twitching

Look for the signs

If you have chronic eye spasms in both eyes, or if the twitches are strong enough to close your eyes completely, this could be a sign of benign essential blepharospasm. This condition makes our eyes blink or wink uncontrollably. This affects around 1 in 50,000 people and is more common in women than in men. It’s not harmful in itself, but it usually gets worse over time and can lead to blurred vision, sensitivity to light, and spasms elsewhere in your face. This condition can be treated with Botox injections or with surgery on the nerves and muscles in your eyelid.

Our eyes twitching could also be a sign of more serious conditions, such as:

  • Benign fasciculation syndrome (a harmless condition where our muscles twitch persistently).
  • Dystonia (a long-term condition caused by uncontrolled muscle spasms which can be painful).
  • Motor neurone disease (a rare condition causing weakness which gets worse over time).


How to prevent your eyes twitching

Twitches are often caused by stress and tiredness, so you should try to get enough sleep and relax. Try going for a massage, taking a warm bath, yoga, aromatherapy, or whatever works for you. We wouldn’t recommend drinking alcohol to relax, as too much can cause twitches.

Also try not to worry about the twitches. They are usually harmless. Worrying and stressing about them can actually make them worse! However, if you are concerned because an eye twitch isn’t going away, then you should talk to an optometrist.

Too much caffeine can also cause twitches. Cutting down on coffee, tea, or caffeinated soft drinks can help stop your eyes twitching.

Some prescribed medicines can also make your eyes twitch. If you think this could be the cause, then you should talk to your doctor. They could help you find an alternative medication or change your dosage. You should talk to a doctor before deciding whether to take a smaller dosage or stop taking it completely.

Keeping your eyes well-lubricated can help prevent twitches (as well as making your eyes more comfortable). You can buy lubricating eye drops, also known as artificial tears, over the counter.

You can also try pressing a warm compress (like a face cloth dampened with warm water) against your eyelids to help stop them twitching.

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